Care and Support

Here at Zoar UCC we offer:

Pastoral Care

-our pastor is available to meet with a person who is needing spiritual assistance, care and support; this includes:hospital visits, nursing home and care center visits, in-home visits, where the pastor can offer communion, anointing with oil and prayer, and last rites.


-In the UCC, people are baptized either as children or adults. We believe that baptism is both God’ gift and our human response to that gift. It is a sign and seal of our common discipleship. Through baptism Christians are brought into union with Christ, with each other and with the church in every time and place. Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit is the mark of their acceptance into the care and of Christ’s church, the sign and seal of their participation in God’s forgiveness and the beginning of their new growth into full Christian faith and life.


-We believe the essence of marriage is a covenanted commitment that has its foundation in the faithfulness of Gods’ love. The marriage ceremony is the glad occasion on which two people unite in the mutual exchange of covenant promises. Here at Zoar we celebrate when two people commit to doing life together forever through the covenant act of marriage. We ask that those interested in getting married contact our pastor to set up a time to meet each other and discuss with those interested, the Christian understanding of the marriage relationship and how we can come around you as a couple embarking on this exciting journey in life.

Funerals/Celebration of Life Services/Memorials

-When a loved one dies, it is our privilege to walk alongside the family to create a meaningful service to celebrate their life and experience God’s comfort and healing touch through song, scripture and story. A funeral or memorial service helps loved ones remember and grieve together. Here at Zoar our pastor partners with the family, friends and funeral home, to create a lasting, loving memory of your beloved.